General Daily Insight for December 16, 2023
General Daily Insight for December 16, 2023
Nothing is what it seems. The Moon in Aquarius starts off with a square to Venus, stirring up our emotions, but the lunar sextile to Mars should let us put our passionate energy to good use. Breaking down barriers will be extra appealing when the Moon squares Uranus, though our causes could get muddled when the Sun squares off against Neptune at 10:43 pm EST. Our motives may feel painfully complicated or confusing, so don’t expect certainty at a time like this.
March 21 – April 19
Your inner compass is pointing every which way. You’re potentially eager to explore the world while the Sun is in your adventurous 9th house, but a solar square to Neptune in your sluggish 12th house may leave you uncertain which way to go. Don’t think this will always be the norm! Instead, accept it as a chance to explore your own inner goals, rather than getting stuck in a paradox of choice about the outer world. A little questioning will help you enact big changes.
April 20 – May 20
People may not understand you at the moment, no matter how hard they try. It’s normal to want to be alone while the Sun moves through your private 8th house, but others may not realize that — especially when the Sun squares Neptune in your social 11th house. People can call your name all they like, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to come out and play! Still, try not to make anyone feel snubbed. Be honest about your need for alone time.
May 21 – June 20
Someone in particular could impact your sense of achievement. There’s an emphasis on important relationships while the Sun visits your 7th House of Partnerships, but a combustible square to foggy Neptune in your 10th House of Career could result in a peer getting in the way of your goals. Perhaps they nay-say or critique your ideas — but don’t let a few unhelpful words deter you! While you may need to do a bit of recalculation, the results should certainly be worth it.
June 21 – July 22
The idea of adventure is one thing — the reality is quite another. You’ll be reminded of this fact when the Sun in your efficient 6th house provokes muddled Neptune in your courageous 9th house, which could leave you spinning in circles as you try to figure out how to have it all. Unfortunately, your responsibilities will probably win out against more exciting prospects, so you should save your gung-ho urges for another time. Focus on taking small, reasonable steps instead.
July 23 – August 22
One minute you want to go all out, the next you want to hide yourself away. There’s a hint of confusion clouding the air as the bold Sun in your fame-seeking 5th house contradicts shy Neptune in your secretive 8th house. You may find yourself pinging back and forth between these two extremes. Even if you’re normally happy to bask in the limelight, that might not have its usual appeal at this time. It’s okay if your desire for privacy wins out.
August 23 – September 22
Someone could cause your current emotions to spiral out of control. A conflicting square between the Sun in your sensitive 4th house and Neptune in your people-pleasing 7th house may give you the urge to put your most vulnerable side on display, but the unfortunate truth is that you won’t necessarily get the response you are hoping for. You can’t read another person’s mind, and they can’t read yours, so don’t assume everyone knows what you want and is willing to supply it.
September 23 – October 22
Trying to be productive today is wise, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. The Sun in your hectic 3rd house is making a complicated square to Neptune in your organized 6th house, so all your best efforts could result in far less than you’d like. Don’t get upset if you feel like the day is slipping away from you without meeting your quotes. Intense productivity really isn’t on the table at a time like this, so allow yourself to make tomorrow count instead.
October 23 – November 21
The best intentions could be waylaid by something much more enticing at any moment. You’re prepared to buckle down while the Sun marches through your security-conscious 2nd house, but once the Sun snaps at Neptune in your fun-loving 5th house, it’ll be hard to stay on track. Responsibilities? What responsibilities! Normally this wouldn’t be ideal, but the temptation will be practically impossible to resist right now, so don’t waste energy fighting it. If possible, set work aside in favor of fun.
November 22 – December 21
Knowing what you’re about is anything but simple on a day like this. You’re in your element as the Sun tours your sign and 1st House of Vitality, but that energy gets frazzled when the Sun disagrees with Neptune in your tender 4th house. You may find yourself unusually emotional or reactive, and things that you’d normally brush off could feel like the whole world is weighing on your shoulders. Don’t get overwhelmed. This is only temporary, and the skies will soon clear.
December 22 – January 19
Anything and everything could slip through the cracks without warning. Perhaps your soul is unfocused as the Sun shimmers in your 12th House of the Subconscious. You may get the sense you’re missing out on something when the Sun hassles Neptune in your 3rd House of Distraction. The reality is that you probably not missing anything, but this puzzling combo can make it seem like you’re failing to see the bigger picture. Avoid holding yourself — or anyone else — up to unfair expectations.
January 20 – February 18
Unfortunately, work and play don’t go hand-in-hand today. The Sun is dancing through your 11th House of Social Networks, making it the perfect time to circulate, but an awkward solar square to Neptune in your 2nd House of Earning could make it feel like you’re supposed to be doing something — only you don’t know what it is. Review your internal list, and if there are no red flags, get back to enjoying yourself! Your situation is likely less worrisome than you think.
February 19 – March 20
The path to success is anything but clear at present. Your focus is pulled toward your goals as the Sun boosts your 10th House of Reputation, but you could lose sight of why you’re working so hard when the Sun squares unclear Neptune in your sign, causing you to feel… you’re not sure? It’s okay if you’re in an ambivalent mood — that’s probably Neptune skewing your vision. Any uncertainty shouldn’t last, and as the fog clears, you’ll be able to return to your ambitions.
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